Student Debt Consolidation

There's been a lot of talk lately about increasing levels of student debt. With the pressure coming from all angles, only a student knows how hard the life of a student is. Money is an integral part of everybody and the students are no exception. There can be times when the pocket is a little tight. In these circumstances, students may have to borrow money from various sources and eventually land up in such a situation where they find themselves in pressure of paying interests for their loans. In such a situation, the best option is to opt for a student debt consolidation loan.

Many young people have got themselves into uncomfortable positions because of careless spending. In addition, most shops, bars, cafés and restaurants, even in university campuses are fully commercialized and profit making establishments. Many graduates have developed debts from university and have accumulated further debts in the competitive market. After years of rising costs and shrinking financial aid, many graduates are now leaving college with debt running into six figures.

In today's favorable interest rate environment, anyone looking to eradicate student debt should first consider loan consolidation. Such a move allows you to roll your existing federal loans into a single low-interest loan- which can lower the monthly payment. The interest rate on student loans is very low, with interest rates ranging from 1% - 3% and are charged only when the students are out of the college and have started working.

According to Sheryl Garrett, a certified financial planner, "With consolidation, your debts are simplified and condensed and you get lower interest-rates in general. There is no cost to consolidate and now is the best time to consolidate your federal loans with interest rates currently at a historic low.”

And last but not the least, if faced with difficulties repaying debt, do not avoid the issue. Seek alternative payment schedules rather than to try and pretend the problems are not there.