Student Debt Consolidation Loan – Tension Free Student Life

Student life is once, so we must enjoy it. But the tension of paying off the different student loans can be frustrating at times. Besides procrastination is also a natural part of student's college life. This does not harm your results but not paying loans at time will definitely affect your financial future. The best option for a student to keep his financial worries away and enjoy maximum of college life is student debt consolidation loan. Such a loan consolidates all your loans into a single one which is easy to manage.

Student debt consolidation loan: Distinct features

Fundamentally student consolidated loan is a large loan taking care of all your numerous small loans. But they differ from other types of consolidation loans on various grounds. Some distinctive features are:-
1) Student loans in default can’t be consolidated but student loans that are in grace period as well as loans on which you are currently making payments can be consolidated.

2) Student loans through conventional federal funding find it relatively easy to obtain a consolidated loan than loans from private funding sources.

3) No fee is levied to consolidate student loan debt.

Student debt consolidation loan: Amount, interest rate and repayment period

Certain lenders require that a minimum amount of student loan debt should be consolidated. This amount varies from lender to lender but if your total loan amount is less than £10,000 then you may find fewer options while consolidating. The interest rate of debt consolidation loan for students is the weighted average rate of all existing loans. A typical repayment period is ten years but students with £60,000 or more in student loans can apply to extend their payment period up to thirty years.

Student debt consolidation loan: Benefits

One can save thousands of pounds over the period of loan because of low interest rate. It also helps in lowering your monthly installments by extending repayment terms. Moreover interest of debt consolidation loan is tax-deductible, which further reduces cost of borrowing. It also helps in improving credit ratings.