Lead A Debt Free Student Life, Obtain Debt Consolidation Loans

A prompt and timely repayment always keeps you away from falling into a debt trap. But at the time of financial crisis it becomes quite difficult to make all repayments viable especially if you have taken several debts. To overcome this situation a debt consolidation loan would be the best answer for you.

Too many debts always create a problem with your repayments. Debt consolidation loans help you to repay all your existing debts by consolidating them into one. To be more clear, consider this example. Suppose if you have 3 existing debts. Now when you take a debt consolidation loan, you will make repayment for only this loan. All your previous debts will be merged together and will be repaid automatically by the debt consolidation lender. This will help reduce the size of your repayment and you will be bound with only one creditor.

Student debt consolidation loans also offer several benefits. They come with a very low rate of interest and are charged only after you have completed your school and college. There are plenty of rebates also available that you can avail with student debt consolidation loans, Apart from that if you go for this loan, your debt pressure will decrease a lot and you will be able to concentrate on your studies and work.

You will get a student debt consolidation loan mainly from two sources:

• A government agency- These are federal loans offered usually with cheaper interest rate than other sources.

• A federal agency- also known as private student debt consolidation, offer loan to all students who fail to get a government fund.

Student debt consolidation loans are offered to all types of students. As a student, this might be your first loan that you need to repay your tuition fee, boarding fee, travel expense etc. So, you will be offered with a no credit history loan. You will get a student debt consolidation loan also if you have a bad credit history.

The process of student debt consolidation application is as simple as filling any other form. The most ideal and affordable source of application is the internet to which every student is familiar. Internet provides a range of lenders offering student debt consolidation loans. The application form will ask you for certain details about your identity and credit history. Being a student your loan application will be approved quickly without any delay.

But before filling out any form, first research and find the lender offering best loan amount with the lowest interest rates and easy repayments. This way you will get the best deal that will make your financial status good.

Student Loans Consolidation Must Known Secrets

If you have reached your wit's end with your school loans, consider a student loans consolidation. It is a popular means of loan debt consolidation intended to simplify the whole process of repayment. This form of debt consolidation loan also gives you the opportunity to lock in your interest rate for the entire length of your loan. It is no surprise that more students each year are looking into obtaining a student loans consolidation.

Students in the United States will find their student loans are consolidated differently than other types of debt, such as credit card debt. Loans that come from the government, or federal loans, are 100% guaranteed by the U.S. A federal loan is consolidated when a company that handles loan consolidation buys existing loans. The interest rate used for the consolidation is then determined by the year's student loan rate as of May of the current calendar year.

Those who look into student loans consolidation will discover a wide range of potential interest rates. These rates can be as low as 4.7% or as high as 8.25%. Keep an eye on the rise and fall of interest rates, and then act accordingly to strike when the rates are low. You will benefit by having an affordable rate in place during the entire length of repayment of your school loans.

Loan debt consolidation is not an endless road of opportunity. You are allowed to consolidate once with a private lender, and then once more with the Department of Education. You have one chance to get it right, so do your homework. Be sure that you have researched all of the consolidation companies. Make it a priority to find the most reputable companies and the ones that offer the lowest rates.

People often refer to federal student loans consolidation as refinancing, but this is not entirely correct. With this form of loan debt consolidation, your loan rate will not change, regardless of how different your previous loans were. It will merely be set at a fixed rate. Keep in mind that all of your previous loans will be weighed to find an interest rate that is appropriate in light of the current rate. As with all aspects of financial matters, there are a number of elements that will affect the rate at which your interest is compiled.

For the many students struggling with school loans, student loans consolidation remains an appealing option. It is important, however, that students do their financial research, and be aware of the pros and cons of loan debt consolidation. It has its drawbacks: Monthly payments, although combined into one, will be extended over a greater period of time than if the student had not consolidated the loans to begin with. In spite of this, student loans consolidation can be invaluable for students struggling with payments, and its benefits lure more students every year.

How Do I Boost Student Consolidation Loan’s Effects?

When someone reaches graduation usually wants to get rid of student debt as fast as possible in order to move on to another stage of his financial life. However, this is not always an easy task. Student debt accumulates and prevents graduated students from repaying the whole debt in a speedy manner. Sometimes students spend years paying just the interests on their loans while the principal remains intact.

Moreover, student loans usually have a mere 6 month grace period after graduation that lenders seem to think is enough time for someone to get a permanent job and a steady income. This is not always true; in fact, it takes far more than that to find a job. And those lucky enough to get hired within this period, usually get part-time jobs or temporary jobs which do not provide a good enough income to meet the loans’ installments.

Student Consolidation Loans

This situation forces students to resort to student consolidation loans so they can reduce the amount of their monthly payments and if possible reduce the amount of money paid on interests too. Furthermore the sole reduction of the number of outstanding loans cuts hundreds of dollars on administrative fees that are usually charged separately (though sometimes included in the interest rate).

Student Consolidation loans help by reducing the monthly payments; however, they will not speed up the debt reduction process unless you undertake other measures in order to boost their effects. There are many additional actions you can take in order to start eliminating debt more quickly so you can become debt free in a few years.

Cut On Unnecessary Expenses And Postpone Costly Actions

Till you find a permanent job, you can aid your debt reduction process by cutting on redundant expenses such as dinning out, attending to clubs every weekend, etc. Also, it will not kill you to keep sharing an apartment till you can afford rent on your own while managing to pay for your loan at the same time.

Basically, unless after paying for your loan monthly installment you have enough money to cover for any unexpected event, do not get into more unnecessary expenses and use the money to pay off the loan’s principal sooner or build some savings for emergencies.


Another option if you find yourself in a tight situation is to request your consolidation loan lender forbearance. Forbearance is a period of time during which the loan payments will be suspended. Make sure you use this time to solve whatever problem is preventing you from making your monthly payments and also to build some savings to cover for unexpected events in case this comes to happen again.

Most lenders offer forbearances only once a year and some of them only offer one in the whole life of the loan, so make sure you really need it before requesting this grace period. Otherwise if another unexpected event takes place you will not be able to use this tool and will have to resort to other finance sources worsening your debt problems.

Student Loan Consolidation

Why Consolidate Your Student Loans?

It's January of your senior year and time to start thinking about all those loans you took to help pay for college. Between Stafford Loans, Perkins Loans and all the rest, between subsidized and unsubsidized you begin to realize that a year from now you will have run out of grace period and have to start paying back all those loans. You're going to be paying back eight different loans at eight different interest rates and eight terms. It's time to start thinking about a student consolidation loan.

A student consolidation loan could be worth it just to simplify your repayment schedules. But more importantly, if you can get a loan with a lower interest rate than you are paying on your school loans, then you can save yourself some money. If the consolidation loan extends the length of your student loan payback term, then it may have the added benefit of lowering the monthly payment now (when you aren't making a large salary). You can always increase your payments as your salary grows.

How to Consolidate Your Student Loans

After deciding to consolidate your student loans, the next step is to figure out how to go about it. You may have several choices of lenders, and what you choose could affect the amount you ultimately pay. Choose carefully.

The Department of Education provides the Federal Direct Consolidation Loans Program. Numerous states have student consolidation loans, some for your federal loans and others for your state loans. Then there are private lenders offering consolidation loans as well. You might first check with your current loan providers to see what they have to offer. They may have a better deal for current customers.

Federal Direct Consolidation Loans

Federal Direct Consolidation Loans are run by the US Department of Education and provide a means to combine multiple Federal loans into one.

You can apply online for the Federal Direct Program by visiting the website at https://loanconsolidation.ed.gov/appentry/appindex.html.

State Student Consolidation Loans

Several states offer consolidation loans as part of their education loan programs. Check with your state to see if they have a loan consolidation program.

Private Student Consolidation Loans

Private loans can not be consolidated under the Federal Direct Plan. If you can't qualify for the federal and state student loan consolidation programs because you have private loans, there are many lenders who make private consolidation loans available to students. Check with your own lenders first to see if they have a consolidation program.

Student Debt Consolidation

There's been a lot of talk lately about increasing levels of student debt. With the pressure coming from all angles, only a student knows how hard the life of a student is. Money is an integral part of everybody and the students are no exception. There can be times when the pocket is a little tight. In these circumstances, students may have to borrow money from various sources and eventually land up in such a situation where they find themselves in pressure of paying interests for their loans. In such a situation, the best option is to opt for a student debt consolidation loan.

Many young people have got themselves into uncomfortable positions because of careless spending. In addition, most shops, bars, cafés and restaurants, even in university campuses are fully commercialized and profit making establishments. Many graduates have developed debts from university and have accumulated further debts in the competitive market. After years of rising costs and shrinking financial aid, many graduates are now leaving college with debt running into six figures.

In today's favorable interest rate environment, anyone looking to eradicate student debt should first consider loan consolidation. Such a move allows you to roll your existing federal loans into a single low-interest loan- which can lower the monthly payment. The interest rate on student loans is very low, with interest rates ranging from 1% - 3% and are charged only when the students are out of the college and have started working.

According to Sheryl Garrett, a certified financial planner, "With consolidation, your debts are simplified and condensed and you get lower interest-rates in general. There is no cost to consolidate and now is the best time to consolidate your federal loans with interest rates currently at a historic low.”

And last but not the least, if faced with difficulties repaying debt, do not avoid the issue. Seek alternative payment schedules rather than to try and pretend the problems are not there.

Student consolidation loans: the solution to cash flow problems

Sometimes, what makes student debt so frustrating is the fact that if one did not have to pay so much money on interests, the income would be good enough to cover all the other expenses. In other words, the interests on debt prevent students from having a good standard of living and enjoying their youth.

It does not seem fair that one should have to cut on recreation expenses due to high and sometimes abusive interest rates. If this also forces students to cut one essential expenses such as food, transportation, studying material, etc. the whole point of student financing becomes just an excuse for exploitation.

Cash flow explained

What high risk lenders and credit card dealers that charge interests rates over 18% take advantage of is the fact that most students have cash flow problems. A cash flow interruption takes place when for some unexpected expense, a student has to spend all the cash he has for everyday transactions and has to seek finance. If the income-expense ratio is too tight, debt will start accumulating and this vicious circle will go on till an extraordinary income solves it or till the person is forced to fill for bankruptcy.

There is a simple way to prevent this problem; you need to have a contingency savings amount ready to cover for unexpected events and an income-expense ratio that will let you rebuild this quantity in just a couple of months. Saving 20% of your overall earnings is a smart thing to do; you can destine half of it to build the contingency funds and the other half for leisure expenses.

How to solve cash flow problems

If the cash flow interruption has already forced you to become increasingly indebted, there is a way of considerably reducing the incidence of debt interests in your budget. To do so you need to combine debt consolidation with a reduction on your expenses. With a student debt consolidation loan you will be able to reduce the amount of money you pay on interests and with a reduction on your other expenses you will be able to destine a higher amount of money to paying off the loan's principal in order to hasten your debt reduction process.

This combined effort will soon show its effectiveness as you will notice how the amount of money you pay on interests is progressively reduced and you will be able to retake all the non essential expenses you had to cut in order to get out of your debt problem. By then, the sacrifices you had to make will become praiseworthy.

How student debt consolidation loans work

Student consolidation loans are granted with the sole purpose of repaying as much debt as possible. Since the interest rate charged for a consolidation loan is significantly lower than the average interest rate of student debt, the monthly installments will be considerably lower than the combined payments of the paid off loans and credit cards. This not only will reduce the debt burden but it will also save you thousands of dollars that you will be able to use for other important purposes.

Student Loan Debt Consolidation - How To Reduce The Burden Of Student Loan Debt

It’s not enough as a student earning good grades, graduating, and landing a job with a good salary. What makes it more difficult is the rising costs of education, in tuition fees, books and the cost of living during the years being in school. There is no question that the trends of college and university prices have rose steadily over that last decade. During the 2004-2005 academic year about $129 billion in financial aid was distributed to undergraduate and graduate students. In addition, these students borrowed almost $14 Billion dollars from non-federal sources to help finance their education according to the report Trends in Student Aid (2005) from the College Board association. With an adjustment to inflation the total financial aid given to undergraduate and graduate students has increased by almost 100% from 1994 to 2005.

Why have students been borrowing much more today?

There has been a widening gap between the cost of university and college tuition and aid in the form of grants causing students to borrow more. Many students look at taking students loans as a good investment because it allows them to complete their education with better odds of a getting a better job and life. Because Students are borrowing more and often taking out multiple student loans today, however, it could lead to financial burdens. This would delay things like buying a new home, car, getting married, and raising a family.

How can student loan consolidation help?

Also known as a federal consolidation loan, repays some or all of the outstanding eligible federal student loans and replaces the multiple payments that are made with one single payment. The payment terms can even be extended to make the payments more affordable. The interest rates are fixed rate for the entire term and is calculated as the weighted average interest rates of your consolidated loans rounded up to 1/8% not exceeding 8.25%.

Which student loans can be consolidated?

1. Federal and Federal Direct Stafford (subsidized and unsubsidized)
2. Federal and Federal Direct PLUS SLS (Supplementary Loans for Students)
3. Federal Perkins
4. Federal Nursing Student Loans (NSL)
5. Federal Health Education Assistance Loan (HEAL)
6. Federal Health Professional Student Loans (HPSL)
7. Health Professions Student Loans (HPSL) Loans for Disadvantaged Students (LDS)
8. Federal Insured Students Loans (FISL)

If a person has bad credit, can they still consolidate their student loans?

Under the federal student loan consolidation program, no credit checks are necessary, however, if any loans are in default, three consecutive payments must be made prior to consolidating the loans.

What lenders consolidate student loans?

The Internet is an excellent resource to compare student loan consolidation lenders rates and offers. It is just a matter to take some time and compare different incentives between lenders.

Lenders may offer added incentives to consolidate student loans. For example, depending on the balance of the current student loans, some lenders may offer a credit or an interest rate reduction if payments were made consecutively on time. Or, if a married couple has individual student loans and want to combine and consolidate their loans.

It should not be a strike against anyone requiring student loans to get through university or college nor having a delayed hardship when a person graduates and gets back into the work force

Student Debt Consolidation Loan – Tension Free Student Life

Student life is once, so we must enjoy it. But the tension of paying off the different student loans can be frustrating at times. Besides procrastination is also a natural part of student's college life. This does not harm your results but not paying loans at time will definitely affect your financial future. The best option for a student to keep his financial worries away and enjoy maximum of college life is student debt consolidation loan. Such a loan consolidates all your loans into a single one which is easy to manage.

Student debt consolidation loan: Distinct features

Fundamentally student consolidated loan is a large loan taking care of all your numerous small loans. But they differ from other types of consolidation loans on various grounds. Some distinctive features are:-
1) Student loans in default can’t be consolidated but student loans that are in grace period as well as loans on which you are currently making payments can be consolidated.

2) Student loans through conventional federal funding find it relatively easy to obtain a consolidated loan than loans from private funding sources.

3) No fee is levied to consolidate student loan debt.

Student debt consolidation loan: Amount, interest rate and repayment period

Certain lenders require that a minimum amount of student loan debt should be consolidated. This amount varies from lender to lender but if your total loan amount is less than £10,000 then you may find fewer options while consolidating. The interest rate of debt consolidation loan for students is the weighted average rate of all existing loans. A typical repayment period is ten years but students with £60,000 or more in student loans can apply to extend their payment period up to thirty years.

Student debt consolidation loan: Benefits

One can save thousands of pounds over the period of loan because of low interest rate. It also helps in lowering your monthly installments by extending repayment terms. Moreover interest of debt consolidation loan is tax-deductible, which further reduces cost of borrowing. It also helps in improving credit ratings.